Terminal Usage

nano -l <file_name> : Show the line number when nano editor is used.

nano -S <file_name> : Display overlong lines on multiple rows.

nano +[line number] <file_name> : Jump straight to line number.

nano -t <file_name> : Automatically save on exit.

nano -i <file_name> : Automatically indent new lines.

nano -m <file_name> : Allow scrolling and clicking to be done via the mouse.

nano -z : Show a list of available syntaxes

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + o: Write to the file.

Ctrl + x: Exit nano editor.

Ctrl + k: Cut the line which the cursor is on out.

Ctrl + u: Paste the line that was cut earlier.

Ctrl + w: Register a string to search.

Alt + w: Repeat previously-registered search term.

Ctrl + v: Page down or skip multiple lines at one go.

Alt + u: Undo previous edit.

Alt + p: Display whitespace characters. Useful for mindful python programming.

More information can be found here